Saturday, February 28, 2009


This weekend my nieces, Larissa and Isabelle, are staying with us. We went to the park and they had a blast! This was Brooklyn's first time in a swing! She loved it! Elijah thinks that Isabelle is as good as gold, so he is attached at her side all the time. Larissa absolutely adores Brooklyn, so she helps so much with taking care of her. I am so thankful the cousins all get along so well!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Vegetable!

Brooklyn started eating squash on Saturday. I made her food - which was kinda scary because I had to try and remember what I did to make Elijah's when he started eating. She LOVED it! Today, (Tuesday), she started eating carrots. It's great to watch how excited she is when she sees the bowl of food!

Another Day of Role Play

He is so very attached to Curious George. He talks to him like I talk to Baby B. Tonight he read his Bible to him, then sang "Jesus Loves Me," and ended it with holding George's hands together and praying. This is our nightly routine. I love that he is learning about God and Jesus and that he so enjoys it!

Sleeping Beauty

Friday, February 20, 2009

Role Play

Elijah is very much into "role play" right now. I found the teddy bear in the tub one morning, and he was using Brooklyn's gum cleaner on the bear's "teeth." He is also very attached to his "eh eh", which is the sound for monkey. I have also seem him walking around in my shoes, pretending to go to work, "fix" EVERYTHING around the house with his tools, and talk on his play cell phone. I just love to watch him in action. Ted would have been so proud that Elijah loves Curious George. It was one of Ted's all time favorite characters.

The Kiddos

I'm so in love with my precious babies! Elijah totally adores his "sisssisssy" and she is in awe of him. In the picture with the crib Brooklyn is chewing on the bar.

Baby B jumpin' around

Learning all about Playdough

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Smart Little Man

Elijah is learning about shapes, colors, same and different. He did this activity correctly multiple times! I'm so proud of him! Everytime he got one right he clapped for himself and wanted me to clap too! I guess that's what happens when you praise your child from the start! :)

Baby B

Brooklyn is such a joy! Her middle name is truly fitting to her personality! She LOVES her feet - as you can see in one of the pictures. She recently decided to give Mommy a heart attack an rolled on to her tummy during nap time. I love the picture where she is smiling at herself in the mirror. If she only knew it was actually her! And the little "bear - bee" is from her Valentines stuff from Mommy.
