Monday, March 30, 2009

Brooklyn and Catalina

Brooklyn and cousin Caty, (my Goddaughter / niece), took their first official "cousins" pictures this month. They both had so much fun and look beautiful together!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Homeschool Preschool

I'm so proud of Elijah! Granma Jean started working with him on lacing in January, and at the time he could, as he says, "push" but not "pull" the string for each bead. Now, he can do both parts and he really enjoys doing it! When picking out a bead Mommy will ask him for a certain color and shape and almost always he gets it right! My little Man is growing up! :(

Brooklyn tried Pancakes, but really didn't know what to think about them. She used it to teeth for a little while, then threw it on the floor. I love this picture of her sleeping because she's just so squishy / comfy looking!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Elijah plays soccer

Elijah started playing Itty Bitty Sports through the YMCA today! He has 3 weeks of soccer then 3 weeks of T-Ball. He really seemed to enjoy soccer. He has a very powerful kick, however he felt things could get done faster if he just picked up the ball and threw it. :) When the coach is talking they have to stand with their foot on the ball. He did a great job of this! What a balancing technique. However, most of the kids used all of their attention and focus to do this so they couldn't pay attention to the coach. :) Mommy had a ton of fun playing with Elijah on the field!

Beautiful B

Brooklyn spent time with Mommy working on picking up the blocks and putting them in the bucket. She did a pretty good job, with the occasional pause to chew on a block. The chewing and chomping finally paid off as she has her first tooth!

Sensory Time

Elijah and Mommy spent about 45 minutes playing in the lentil sensory tub. He thought this was pretty neat! I am a huge advocate for the use of sensory activities with children. The picture of him buttering bread was when he helped make his grilled cheese sandwish. Don't worry - I removed a bunch of the butter. He has been very interested in helping cook and washes EVERYTHING around the house!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Outdoor fun!

Elijah has a new bike! He loves "riding" on it. We are working on trying to learn to pedal the bike without Mommy's help. He wasn't very excited about having to wear the helmet, but when Mommy said he couldn't ride without it, he started singing a different tune! He also has a new bubble blower, and I love the random pictures of him playing. My 2 favorite ones are: 1 - in the bush - if you enlarge the picture you can see he's trying to dig out a bubble and 2 - the picture where he's crouched down next to the machine and tyring to figure out how it works. Now he's "riding" the bike in the house and trying to not ride over sissy!

Sitting on my own!

Brooklyn is doing a great job of learning to sit on her own! She still wobbles a little, but she loves to sit up!
