Saturday, March 21, 2009

Elijah plays soccer

Elijah started playing Itty Bitty Sports through the YMCA today! He has 3 weeks of soccer then 3 weeks of T-Ball. He really seemed to enjoy soccer. He has a very powerful kick, however he felt things could get done faster if he just picked up the ball and threw it. :) When the coach is talking they have to stand with their foot on the ball. He did a great job of this! What a balancing technique. However, most of the kids used all of their attention and focus to do this so they couldn't pay attention to the coach. :) Mommy had a ton of fun playing with Elijah on the field!


  1. I noticed him eyeballing that pink ball on the field, did he try to take it?

  2. He is growing up way too fast! Good job mom getting Elijah invovled in fun/active activities:)

